"Griefing" NPC Villiages

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nfell2009, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Have a look on the live map, they show up on there :)
  2. btw mostly the desert they have a habbit of it
  3. Just found a village where I'm building a house and etc, rush over there to see if any Villagers were living there....and no all gone
    I am Forever alone lol jk
    nfell2009 likes this.
  4. dont they naturally spawn?
  5. I think so, i think mobs killed them already :oops:
  6. Most likely, "players eggified them already".
  7. Most likely someone from are group did before i showed up owell,
  8. I did not understand that.
  9. redo lol its late, Someone else prolly already found and egg them before i found it :)
  10. Oh