Griefing is not cool.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by smile3, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. We must accept it: Griefing it's something we all hate but it adds something to minecraft, that something that makes you think: "this little griefers just breaked all my job -.- well guess what I will do it better, because I can do it better"

    Just like LEGO blocks: If your sister comes up and breaks it all with her barbie or whatever you might rage, but after the storm comes the calm and you make better stuff :)
    Griefing might be seen bad, because it is, but everything has a positive side.
    "Every bad thing brings a great behind."
  2. I don't really build in town either lol. I can't even remember the last time I placed a block on my resident.
  3. Ok, you don't build at wilderness (which includes the end and nether) and you don't build at town.
    Then... You don't build? ZOMG!
  4. I mainly go on EMC to talk to friends or players. Helping players is something I like to do to waste time, including telling people to not use caps over 10million times.. *sigh*.. I wonder what would happen if JustinGuy made a huge announcement over caps. The world may never know!
  5. that's great copherfield!