Got A Question on Difficulty Settings and How they Affect Damage

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dreacon78, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. So I know on the Wiki is says the player's damage done is reduced the higher the difficulty, but is there any sort of % or something with regards to that? Reason I am asking is it seems to take just as many hits with a power 5 bow as it does with my voter bow, with power 2 I believe, to kill things. Not sure if that was the intention or something else, but I find it really odd that is the case. Any insight would be appreciated.
  2. Probably that both attacks are considered less risky, for being ranged attacks, so have similar low hitting values. That’s my guess. Don’t recall if any of the math has ever been shared behind it.
  3. With Power 2 being 75% extra damage and Power 5 being 150% extra damage (in vanilla), I would think the fact that Power 5 is twice the damage of Power 2, that it would still kill faster no matter how the difference in damage was between diff 5 and diff 7. Can't think of any reason where the enchant level would have no bearing on the damage difference between those enchant levels. My Sharpness 5 sword definitely kills faster than my voter sword, so wondering why the bows don't work the same.

    Heck bow is pretty much the only way to kill a ghast.
  4. Yeah I agree, with the little info regarding this topic, if you are experiencing this, it would be due to the logic behind player risk. it seems the system is just taking into player risk and base dmg(but as you said it would make sense for base g to be affected by enchants) so definitely something going on.. and well… I am probably not the best person to answer this

    Have you tried testing at different distances? To see how dmg output is affected?
  5. Ya I did an up close, fully charged series of shots and it was the same. Have tried it on blazes with the same result. Wondering if there is something that isn't taking the enchant level into account?

    Wondering if this is going to annoy chickeneer or not? Mainly curious to know if it is some sort of oversight or something like that with the coding?