Gold Farm Output Production Rates

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by fadedmartian, May 24, 2018.

  1. So I was wondering... If my Gold farm production rates are average orrrr??

    They are as follows for 10 minutes--
    • 6 stacks of Gold nuggets (384 Nuggets)-- which equals:
    • 42.6666 Gold Ingots-- which equals:
    • 4.74 Gold Blocks
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  2. If you remember mine and what you got there you can also average.
    We3_MPO and FadedMartian like this.
  3. I was actually conversing with Gawa earlier about yours. I still do not have a production rate from there :/ Do you have any rates from there? I know your's is on a massive scale.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  4. Have not used it for 3 years lol. And not too active on EMC
  5. I use a farm that I share with friends. Unfortunately we don't have it setup where we can measure in nuggets per second. (There is so much loot I can't tell what is new loot and what was already in the sorter.)

    In counting the pigmen that go by it's ~2-3 pigmen per second. Can vary depending on how quickly I clear them.

    {edited phrasing -- it is my friend's farm, I use it}
    Sazukemono and FadedMartian like this.
  6. Friends and I just ran a clean 5-minute test. (Side channel collection on a switch. Was fairly timed using my iphone stopwatch.)

    In 5-minutes our farm produced 1310 nuggets...or just over 16-blocks.
  7. oh goodness!
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