{God Armor} Diamond Enchanted Armor

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by sharky200, Mar 6, 2013.

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  1. Who will bid higher, this is the best investment you will ever make
  2. Do I hear a 20k
  3. This armor is awesome, come and bid
  4. Ok MVPdrose is on the lead with 17k, can someone beat him?
  5. Someone has to bid higher, this is worth more, just think about you wining the mob arena
  6. Please keep bids to a minimum of 3 hours apart.
  7. What do you even mean?
  8. The rules are that every bump (or request for someone to bid higher in your case) is to be kept at 3 hours apart. Yours seem to be about 1 hour apart each.
  9. wow you are a really good auction hoster:)
  10. 18k, and when does the auction end?
  11. 607 I'm the worst auction host ever, sry it's my first time :D
  12. The auction will be over in... 18 hours, I think
  13. I think Ilostmyshorts will win... I didnt lose my shorts, lol
  14. I'm going to bed, I hope there's more bidding
  15. 25k from ilostmyshorts, you would have to go higher
  16. some one could go over 25k, thats cheap for god armor like this
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