Giving away a few DC of book and quills

Discussion in 'Selling' started by _REMOVED_87055, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Anyone want, comment below why you want them and I'll consider
    Tuqueque and MerRhyAndBright like this.
  2. Uh, to refresh villager trades

    And to write love notes c:
  3. To send happy letters to everyone online!
  4. I could use them for my Upcoming 6 res Museum on smp6, (Unknown eta still)
  5. To bother my friends with stupid, gushy letters?

    Also, you're not dead right now! Hellooo
  6. So I can send people messages if need be, and so I can add more stuff to my collection of stuff. :p
  7. I always seem to run out of the things, writing books for my museum and making Dragon Egg Guides :p
  8. Cuz smp5.
    fBuilderS likes this.
  9. For [MESSAGE] signs on my residences
  10. I'd like them so that I could hoard them in a deep dark treasure vault secretly hidden far in the bowels of the earth so that I alone could enjoy stacking them in neat piles to add all the pages regularly in my spare time....

    and perhaps cast a spell or two.
    RaiinNL likes this.
  11. To let everyone know when their orders are ready or specialty ink click on it on my sig to se what I mean
  12. I could use them for my shop, I seem to be low on Books and Quills recently and I don't have tons of money to throw around to buy more.
  13. I just want an excessive amount of things
  14. I um need it for my fun res suggestion and complaints oh and um Christmas letters ect and um to spam rhy- wait no forget that gimme plz I'll take you to KFC- wait no that's runder..

    nuclearbobomb and DufnePoodle like this.
  15. Dufne and THEmotionMAST3R like this.
  16. You two share a chest
    Gave you a DC
    You two share a DC
    Gave you a DC
    You two share the last DC