[GIVEAWAY] Mega Ultra Super!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Aug 24, 2013.


Do you like my giveaway? ;D

uhm yes, just yes, ohmahgawd yes yes. 52 vote(s) 88.1%
eww no u smell 12 vote(s) 20.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. 33, 48, 333, 123, 87

    My only question is why? Not just for this giveaway...just why?
  2. 12, 09, 07, 19, 398

    My question: Does anyone elses numbers actually spell out their lives, like mine do? o.0
  3. Why is it such a pain to look through these posts and choose teh numbarz?
    42, 96, 262, 153, 326
    (i got lazy and stopped looking, hopefully these are all avaliable, if not, just assign me an open number)
  4. Do you want wings?
  5. but when pigs fly....
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  6. They crash...
  7. Into trees....
  8. Which fall onto Cars...
  9. And run over dead flying pigsā€¦
  10. Going to be a Sophomore this year.

    Well, I really don't keep emeralds. After I constructed that double chest, I was done with emeralds. :p
  11. I'll probably go out a couple blocks in the nether, and then make a portal, which will hopefully be about 40k blocks from spawn. I'll probably make a base in the Wild. I might even construct my own outpost.
  12. I actually got Skype, but I didn't fully set up my account.
    u smell

    That's a hard decision, but, telekinesis.

    Yes! :p

    You can never confuse the Piggeh...

    I really don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out. It's not about making money to me, that's why I'm doing a massive giveaway, and trust me, I'm not a rich pig.

    I've has this old PC for about 3 years.

    Always! <3
    boozle628 likes this.
  13. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 (and 42)
  14. Well, like any ordinary teenage boy, COD, Halo, blah blah blah. :p

    uhm yes.


    No, but this summer I ran about 10 miles total every week, and did insanity. (Talk about tortue) :p

    Muffins are better, just admit it.

    I've never really had an interest in metal bands.. :)

    Well, before I got sold a crap ton of stuff, around 150k. Now I have 66k. :p

    I really don't know, at ICC's head drop event, I died continuously.. I gave samsimx like 3, and I think that's it. So, I would guess around 10 are in circulation.

    I'm too lazy to go google that.

    Well, in random.org, decimals won't show..

    Ace Ventura, my friends and I can basically quote the entire movie. :p

    Pigs like nobody. :>

    Well I like sherbet, and other flavors of ice cream. But I've never had bacon flavored ice cream.

    I have a lot of funny moments and memories. So, back when we only had one Endertopia, I found Aikar afk with enchantment tables and diamond blocks like stacked beside him, so I decided to take them, and them trap Aikar. Then more and more people came, we played around, had fun, blah blah blah. So then Aikar comes back and everyone was like "IT WAS PIG!!111!!1!!!". I took the blame, but, he even thought it was funny. :p

    Back in like 8th grade I think one of my friends did a science project on that.. But I have no clue. :p

    Well, I play anytime I have a chance to play. :)

    Make friends, and chat with other players.
    brickstrike and o0_Jetfire_0o like this.
  15. That's ironic xD
  16. I'm not really leaving, I'm just not going to have time for EMC as much. I'll be getting home around 6 PM EST every night, and then I have homework, and then I have to practice my baritone.

    I already have /fly so it's all good. ;)
  17. Favourite SMP?
    Favourite Youtuber?
    Favourite food?
    33,59,134,456,98 :)
  18. SMP7 is my home server, and I miss my old residence, 14664.
    I think Swoozie, or Smosh..
    Oh gosh, uhm, Taco Bell, or Ice Cream. Bring me Taco bell and I will love you forever.
    x1amazingplayer likes this.
  19. Smp5 or smp3?

    123 321 69 37 498