[GiveAway] Maxarias Dirt

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Highbuddy, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Exactly! This is DIRT. Anyone can enchant a pick. It takes a true minecrafter to dig precious dirt.

    No offense Twitch. I'm sure it is a stunning pick in its own right. It just has some stiff competition in this case. :-P
  2. Wait, can we a get a certificate of authenticity form maxarias?
  3. Is it from Sjps.Co (you get it if u watch the yogscast)
    because in sips co IS QUALITY DIRT
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.
  4. sign me up! (1)
  5. 5 please.
  6. Oh, what the heck. 25.
  7. This is a Awkward Thread making Awkward babies everywhere;)
  8. 9 12 or 14(whatevers open)
  9. I authenticate this dirt as 100% pure Maxarian. ;)
    o0_Jetfire_0o and JabrZer0 like this.
  10. 8 please.
  11. This is real Maxarias dirt. I was there when she gave it to him.. And me :)
  12. I even got a signed book :D
  13. We already know max's dirt.
    TrueJob likes this.
  14. I think you guys may be confused. I have a Maxarian Item Index, and according to that, you have Maxarian sand...

  15. LOL oh no, I forgot all about that.. Yep, they've got Maxarian sand alright. :p
  16. Buying all buying all diamonds
    Gap542, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and JabrZer0 like this.