[Giveaway] Help with a school survey

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ColPun, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. For my marketing class I need to create a business, and I chose to make 'pretty patties' (from Spongebob). Part of the project is creating a preliminary survey to see how the business would do. I am asking that at least 10 people take this survey, and anyone who completes it will be entered into the giveaway for 50,000 rupees.

    At the end of the survey you will be asked to enter a number. Enter any number you think of but remember it, as it is how I will be able to tell you actually took the survey. You can then go to the second survey and enter your username and the number you chose and you will be entered to win.

    Survey 1: docs.google.com/forms/d/1Dz4BPY77oGz81taYTyt6P2VWWiPBtQq-o23BS30KkTk
    Survey 2: docs.google.com/forms/d/1mrp7DQPW_7vaue5ZmLGNeib0mIWX_yNVSbxrHuysTw8

    Thank you for your time and help with this! Giveaway end is unknown, but will likely be Wednesday.
    Terminator908, Kytula and Themoglover like this.
  2. Did both surveys
    slash14459 likes this.
  3. I've completed both surveys. I hope my input helps! Thanks for the giveaway as well! :)
    If I happen to win the 50k, give it to someone else, please.
    slash14459 likes this.
  4. Completed the surveys. I don't think my answers were too unhelpful.
    slash14459 likes this.
  5. Completed both to be helpful :) Donate the rupees to the charity of your choice ;p
    slash14459 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. I remember eating the gummy like candy crabby patties. .. *cringe and shudders*

    Might have influenced my responses a Lil :p
    Plus all I could picture was this..
  7. Took the first survey and I'm politely skipping the 2nd because I'm more interested in helping you out with your project than 50k :)

    Hope this helped!
    UltiPig and slash14459 like this.
  8. And how could you not make money with such a brilliant idea!
    slash14459 likes this.
  9. Bump.
    Thank you to everyone who's entered so far!
  10. Bump. I will be ending the giveaway tomorrow at 9pm EMC time. Thanks to everyone who's entered so far!
    Kytula likes this.
  11. Congrats AlexC__ for winning the giveaway! Thank you to everyone who entered as well, it really helped!
    Kytula likes this.
  12. entered a response, know givaway is over, but might as well giv answers
    slash14459 likes this.
  13. Thank you :D
    slash14459 likes this.