[Giveaway + Chest Hunt] Dj's Birthday Event

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Moms_CreditCard, Feb 28, 2016.


What is the best time for this event? (PST)

Poll closed Mar 6, 2016.
4:30 PM 14 vote(s) 50.0%
5:00 PM 4 vote(s) 14.3%
6:00 PM 8 vote(s) 28.6%
7:00 PM 8 vote(s) 28.6%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Last year I went quadbiking, the year before skiing in New Zealand, but this year I want to go to Antartica :)
  2. i would celebrate it at home with some friends and family
  3. I'd visit Hawaii, get some nice coconut drinks and relax on the sunny beaches.

    If I could.
  4. Forgot to bump this today...
  5. I would like to visit one of the most beautiful places in the world like Fiji or even Rome
  6. I went to fiji for one of my birthdays!
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  7. I would like to visit Oahu again and chill or...go to Japan and learn the ways of the Samurais
  8. Hawiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi
  9. The beach, any beach, with my family. Something about the salty air and ocean waves that I find really relaxing...
  10. Hello?
  11. I would celebrate with a trip to disney world.
  12. I'd go anywhere really, but if I was to go anywhere, I'd prefer it to be cold.
  13. I would go to hawii
  14. I would visit Australia for my birthday :) thanks for the giveaway !
  15. I would celebrate my bday in bed sleeping.
  16. I would go to calpoly for my bitrthday!
  17. First of all, my birthday is on the 9th :D. I am very excited. I would like to hang out with my friends on my birthday.
  18. I would celebrate it at a Mall...Shopping spree!