[GiveAway] Chespin's and Chris's 1k!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ChespinLover77, May 6, 2017.

  1. Heyo!

    In a matter of days Chris and I will be 1000 days old on the empire! (I'll also be 15 in a matter of days as well :eek:)
    And as any other big mile marker we decided to do a combined giveaway!

    For those who don't like reading long posts INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO GET PRIZES
    Post here telling us what your favorite memory of emc is and why, or for those who don't have any favorites yet ask us a question. And pick a number 1 - 1000
    There will be 3 total prizes chosen randomly using random.org
    Prizes will be given out in order
    - 90k
    - Liberty Sword (July 2016)

    Raffle ends may 11th


    It seems hard to believe but Chris[Flareon] and I have been here for nearly 1k days.
    We've seen people come and go, met many friends, gone to old events, participated in new events, not to mention see Chin break it.
    And we hope to see much more of these wonderful things as we continue to grow on emc <3


    In my time here I've met many people who I call my friends. A lot of them don't play anymore but I'm lucky to have a squad that's active and is fun to hang out with.

    One of my first group of friends included :
    - XkarKittyX
    - Jmizl who my first neighbor he wasn't to active when I was first starting emc but i got to meet him a few times even ended up helping him getting another res next to me when he came back for a while
    - Sam_WildWing more often than not him and my other friend BlueGhost026 would come mining witu me as a new player
    - Baconducttape
    - TheBlueBagon/PikminLegion this is one of my best buddies from way back in the day. Me and him would do pretty much everything together he also helped me with most of my crazy building ideas :)

    And some of my more recent friends include :

    - JohnKid which I also spend a lot of time hanging around, so much so i inherited their curse of the "wc" :p (just kidding love ye Joohny boi xD)
    - SkeleTin007 ah yes this wacky ol fellow is the greatest skeleton you could ever ask for he loves attending events with his fwiends and adventuring with them <3
    - Kyutla who got me to love flowerz!
    - TBird1128 of course i couldn't go without including my emc mom :p always there when your feeling sad And there to keep the kids in check ;) <3
    - Cakester2000 other known as cakey! (That's right :p)
    - EvilToade My first Wifey <3
    - FoxyRavenger daz right folks can't keep me from including him! Foxy also an old friend, the head Foxo of smp3!
    - JossyTheNinja my awesome twin !
    - TheMrClausible my other twin! ( :eek: )
    - AmyLeePlayz who is by the way awesome to hang out with
    - TheKutesyKiraboo who always loves to join ye in PvP! :D
    - Will_McNab Waaaaaiiil

    Imma end the list their because at this rate the threads whole 1st page will be taken up xD
    If i didn't include you don't take it personally I still love ya!
  2. Reserved for Chris <3
  3. Reserved for winners
  4. Well congrats I also hit 1000 days on the empire recently. :p anyway, Q: do you watch walking dead?and number 76 please
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  5. Congrats on the milestone and for being able to share it. Favorite memory? ...*points at rhy*

    119, please
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  6. Favorite event on EMC?

    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  7. Congrats on 1k!

    My favorite memory from EMC is probably way back when I was relatively new. I went to a fellow SMP9 player's res and saw a rather nice firework setup. I was inspired to make my own firework display, but had some redstone trouble at one of the stages. Anyways, I asked in town chat for some help, and a player named skyman1212 (Noristay now) came and helped me figure out what was going wrong. Sky would then go on to be my best friend on EMC :D He's not active much anymore, but pops on occassionally.

    I'll take number 314 please (3.14159265358979323846264 x 100) :rolleyes:
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  8. Congrats on 1k days ches!!! :D number 777 plz

    Favorite memory hmmmmm,Possibly when I hosted Something Fishy with T and Skele or when I got a diamond voucher form my friend(For free from SirCue :O)

    O and btw,What is your favorite game besides minecraft
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  9. Fav memory: reaching the worldborder
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  10. Oooo, congratz on the 1000th day! Id like numberrrrr 234!!
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  11. Congrats to both of you! Glad to see that you are still active and enjoying EMC after such a lomg time :D !

    Anyways, for my favourite memory (hard to choose, I have so many!) I think I am going to pick the moment I met Patr1cV.
    If I recall correctly I got to his res to help him with a really minor thing (could have been redstone or something), and Patric gave me some stuff as a thanks. I thought that wasn't necissairy, so I gave him some other stuff back. For a couple days this was going on and eventually we ended up givimg each other promos, alot of diamonds, enchanted tools, and even some buildings.
    Up to today I still somethimes get surprised by e.g. a DC of iron, or some nice tools at my res :p

    Thanks fir being a great guy Patric!

    Number 235 please :p
    Patr1cV and HaastregtLover77 like this.
  12. Congrats my Chespin bud <3
    My favorite memory is when I met you guys because I basically wasn't as much as I who I am today if I haven't met u guys <3

    My number is basically 789 cause why not ;)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  13. Hmmm Idk if I have like one favorite memory on here there's so many cool things that happened on here. I think some of my favorite things that have happened was just making really cool friends that got me into different things. Like playing different games or becoming fans of movies and tv shows *cough* fairy tail *cough* Like if I would've never met certain people on here I wouldn't be a fan of certain things and so every time I make a new friend it becomes a new favorite memory :p

    also yay 1000 days of emc congratz twinny and Chris :D

    Can I has number 22?
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  14. Congrats on 1k!

    I'll take 999 if that's not taken already

    My favorite memory has to be when I first joined and Chris was showing me around :D
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  15. congratz on the 1000 days :D
    i remember when i passed it (nope i don't), it was an awesome day :D

    hmmm my best memory, thats a hard one
    i have been on this server way to long so i have to much memories
    but i guess one of the best would be the easter egg hunt
    not from this year, i don't even remember the year it was
    it was an event hosted by bigdavie i think
    you had to go look for eggs in the wild/waste/town and every smp and utopia had 1
    in the egg would be a letter to then make a word out of it
    that event i grouped with some great peeps like hashhog and cadenmann and we won
    it was so much fun and i think it qualifies as one of the best :)

    and for the number hmmm
    just take jossy's number and add 1 :p
    ChespinLover77 and jossytheninja like this.
  16. Congrats! One memory that I recall is back when I first joined EMC (4 and a bit years ago). Two very close friends of mine irl showed me empire one night and helped me with get started. We always went to this one res that had a parkour course. At the time, I was definitely the worst parkour-er out of the three of us, so I always lost. During our mini competitions we had small bets, so I was constantly losing rupees. And at the time, I thought 2,000 rupees was a lot, so it was frustrating when I lost it. Nowadays, my two friends don't play on empire anymore, but I still remember all the good fun we had when they did play. I am very thankful that they showed me this incredible server, as I have played for more than four years.

    Anyways, I appreciate the giveaway. I would like number 44 please.
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  17. Congrats on 1k! My favourite was spending 6 hours straight holding the W key to win an event :p

    Number 17 plox
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  18. Kinda hungry atm sooo.

    Whats your favorite dessert?

    And i pick # 104

    (As in 10-4)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  19. 7 and mine is playing with Seniorpapino for 2 day straight
    ChespinLover77 likes this.