Hello EMC! I samsimx have reached 450 Days of EMC! Don't really have a special story like everyone else, all I really do on EMC is trade with villagers and mess up redstone Just would like to thank some of my good friends who made these 450 days of the empire so fantastic! ( If I forget you please let me know D: ) - Monster_ - xI_LIKE_A_PIGx - NoobofEpicness - rman92011 - cyclops93 - Yamanqui - Pab10S - zeke1o0o - BussGIL - Jcplugs - kuraudochuu sfaensionfbe - Theminner333 - RandomZh - southpark347 - nick5013 - MrWhosMagic - michael102 - hurferdurfer1 - Thirstymoose - ninjaboy5656 - MasterMockery - Latinoseb - Amusedstew - lameidl - Mossiknights - billbob352 - skydragonv8 Now for the giveaway! Just ask me a question and pick a number 1-100 to be entered in a chance to win 10,000 rupees and a samsimx head! This ends Monday at 12:00 pm EST