[GIVE AWAY] 1DC of Cooked Fish to the 1st 50 repliers.

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by SkareCboi, Jan 1, 2017.



Banana! 17 vote(s) 51.5%
Banana? 5 vote(s) 15.2%
¡Banana! 15 vote(s) 45.5%
¿Banana? 9 vote(s) 27.3%
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  1. Cooked fish!! Man I love some sushi. Res number is 4351 and the chest will be right in front of you. smp2
  2. Access chest is up, when you get to 17599, look to your left, chest is there, thanks! :)
  3. Access sign is up. Just turn to your right when you spawn. Thanks again for the fish.
  4. an I get one? Or am I too late?
  5. I'd love to have some! You never know when you will be going out for a month long trip far out in the waste and need countless amounts of food xd Thank you very much in advance <3 Chest should be ready by the time you read this. 18288 SMP9 chest right infront of you.
  6. fisshhh can you drop it off at 8638 =D thx skare
  7. I'm so sorry! I must have put the wrong res #! I'm 14232 :p sorry
  8. Ill put up a chest tomorrow at 239
  9. OK I made the access chest for you Skare on my res and it is in front of my fountain.
    Just take the telepad to my house and make sure you turn left to you see the fountain and chest in front of it
  10. OP updated, delivery will be made tonight my time as i have to go to work now.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. You're in time, but be sure to give Skare a res number he can visit.
  12. I'd love a dc of cooked fish. Res #4942 I'll leave a dc with an access sign were you'll drop in. :cool:

    Thanks for doing the giveaway........Real nice of you.
  13. OP has been updated.
    If you haven't received your delivery yet. This is a little check list.
    - Access sign is on top on chest (Not on the side of the chest)
    - All smp6 deliveries, access sign to be made for BigGoldPyramid as my main is far in the wild.
    - You may have not provided a delivery address yet. Make sure you do. :)
  14. I want fisheys :d

    Sign at /v 10410
  15. Seems I can't get rid of all this Cooked Fish even for FREE, I'm now stuck back up with 50DCs still to give away. Increased list to go up to 80DCs to be given out. So tell your friends if you want them to get Free food.
  16. 18386 0n smp9. Go into the wooden house
  17. Fish! Nice, I'll take some :)
    Access chest will be on /v 14829 on /smp7
    Head to the auction pickup area
  18. if there is any left could i get some?
    there is access chest at /v 12331 on smp6!
  19. Did another round of deliveries, If you are still waiting on your free DC of Cooked Fish, check the OP and make sure your chests are correctly setup. :)