General EMC Prices.

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by AmusedStew, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Iron is no where near close...8 rupees? really more like 5-6
  2. shaving now i have to do alot more math....
  3. Cobble: 25r/stack
    Smooth Stone: 48r/stack
    Stone Brick: ^ same as stone
    logs: 63r/stack
    Wool (all colors): undetermined
    Sand: 52r/stack
    Glass: undetermined
    Sandstone: 83r/stack
    Diamonds: varies-40-50r
    Gold: undetermined
    Iron: 7r/per
    Redstone: undetermined
    Lapis: undetermined
    Emeralds: undetermined
  4. Lost I checked diamonds went for 40-50r apiece.
  5. 1 gold: 25r
    1 iron: 6r
    stack of wool: 100r
  6. I will average jeansl's tomorrow xD
  7. iron is 6r each i feel
    also people always complain about gold prices.
    someone was complaining about me buying gold 15r each
    and said they are 22r each ingot. the pricings are so different between 2 people.
  8. stewwww sorry

    I probably should increase my gold prices. I sell my gold almost as soon as I get it.
  9. lol im just gonna let this thread sit, and each day i will average what i get lol. Extra math HW ftw xD
  10. That would be true if we were playing skyblock.
  11. Glowstone 15r-21r. per block depending on the demand on the server.
  12. Too much

    On smp4

    Wool 64 per stack
    Gold 9 each
    Iron 4-5 each
  13. Oh and diamond

    43-52 each only on smp4 :)
  14. Golds way off. all diamonds are atleast 50r