monday 10 juli 4 pm emc time note i dont now if it was june or juni sorry ik duchts but i mean the 10 today 4pm emc time
Thank you for offering a time for the update to have occured. There was only one player who chose today's date. Pending verification: Looks like Skeletin007 is most likely the winner!!!
i have read the rules maybe im wrong but the update acured a little bit before 6pm not shure was half a sleep but 5pm was i tink the time maybe have misread the rules but skeletin was off by 5 to 6 hours note i sniped the ting since chickeneer dit sort of anounce it but acording to my reading of the rules ther is no rule that eays u cant snipe it The player that got the closest time (without going over by more than 1 hour, to account for the minutes around the hour) wins a prize. Current prize is pending, but I believe that I have a limited edition head that might work, or it's just bragging rights. i dont know wahts fair becouse i tink i held my self at the rules by finding a way that shut maybe next time be a rule for but i still want to be fair since i sniped it but at the oder side custom Katy head mmmm
tank you for see ing my sport man ships note i hate sporting since i get tired also i rilly like pudding
You had opportunities to vote earlier in the contest, but never gave a day/time in a format needed to enter your guess. You finally came back with 2 times after Chickeneer made a pre-announcement of the update coming in the day and then you voted for a time. I believe the spirit of the rules says that you did not actually guess the correct day, you were just guessing a correct time of the day. Since you were basically told the day it was happening, just like everyone else... And that was not the game. Therefore, your vote(s) is going to be disregarded. A concussion head Katy is being mailed to Skeletin007 with a cert of authenticity, as soon as I find where I put those and copy another one. Link to that head: