[Game] Ban the Person Above You

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Contristing, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. hashhog3000: Banned for being a turtle-porcupine-cobra hybrid
  2. Banned for using this: -
    creeper3845 likes this.
  3. TheEpic5 banned reason: putting a chicken on a ponies head!
  4. Banned for being lame.
    lameidl likes this.
  5. Banned for unoriginal name.. (qwerty keyboard)
  6. Banned for using "..." all the time.
  7. Banned for being incorrect. Dj used ".." in that post, not "..." as you said. :)
  8. Banned for having 2 .gifs in your signature
  9. Banned for:
    a) It's gifs, not .gifs.
    b)No period? Wow.
  10. Banned for:
    a) That's the file extension :p
    b) Nope, they're evil :eek:
    c) Having a sped-up Nyan Cat .gif in your signature
  11. Banned for:
    a)Using periods and it's gif already! Not .gif. The internet says so.
    b)Having a period n your sig when you say they're evil.
    c)Use gif, not .gif already! It's unique also.
    d) Using my soon to be patented banning list
    5chris100 likes this.
  12. Banned for being a #mainstream villager profile picture.
  13. Banned for treason against the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  14. KingGeorge3rd Banned Reason: Having a dragon.
  15. Banned for NOT having a dragon.
  16. KingGeorge3rd Banned reason: Liking Ghasts.
  17. Banned for having a pathetic weakness: Oceans...
  18. Banned for being a dwarf and digging a hole.
  19. Qwerty banned for having too easy of a username to type to log in with
    xothis_dwarf likes this.