Future EMC needs your Help. SMP10-30 + I am Actually From the Future.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IamSaj, Jul 28, 2012.


Will you Join The Force?

I will. 81 vote(s) 75.7%
I am a Low Fat Sherbet Pig (Exterminate Me) 34 vote(s) 31.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Oh yeah? Look behind you.
  2. I see my pillow.
  3. Well I'm over there, your pillow is now a potato.
  4. Nope, still a pillow.
  5. Do I have the right house? No, it seems I have the wrong house, um... if your pillow was turned into a potato, please let me know, also, the dog will be fine, no permanent damage. I'm afraid it will remain on the ceiling though...
  6. I dont have a dog, and my pillow is still a pillow.
  7. I know, I got the wrong house!
  8. It's LEGachu
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  9. Nah. The first server was the last 4. :rolleyes:
    diamond_viper111 likes this.
  10. Too much specific! Make it stop!
  11. ^
    Hijack fail?
    IamSaj and codygraw101 like this.
  12. Please don't spam threads with stuff like that. There is a specific thread for getting views. And you need to use the BB code, not the HTML code.
    IamSaj, RED_Spy1 and SoulPunisher like this.
  13. What is it? It's not showing.
  14. I am The Crying Ambassador. I use Crying Obsidian Armor and a Crying Obsidian Sword. I came to EMC to destroy the LFSP, along with IamSaj and others.
  15. Lawl.