Funky Foods!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MoreMoople, Feb 27, 2025 at 1:53 AM.

  1. Hi all! My coworkers enjoy bringing interesting limited-time foods to the office, so I thought I'd share some of them! Please feel free to share any interesting food you've had -- whether it's a limited-time flavor/collab, something strange and unique to a certain area, or some wild concoction you've created. ;)

    Coke-flavored Oreos and Oreo-flavored Coke

    I really enjoyed the designs on the Coke-flavored Oreos! The flavor was alright -- decently Coke-like. They also had popping candy inside to simulate the fizzy feel of a nice can of soda!
    Moop Rating: 6/10

    The Oreo-flavored Coke was a little too sweet for my tastes, but it definitely tasted like Oreos! I found the design on the can to be quite enjoyable as well. I think I enjoyed the soda more than the cookie.
    Moop rating: 7/10

    Tailgate Candy Corn

    I usually don't mind candy corn, but these were particularly nasty. Meat and candy corn is not a good combo... although it was really funny to bring people in from across the office and tell them to try it without context! :rofl: :lmao::rolleyes:
    Moop rating: 2/10

    Ranch Ice Cream & Mac and Cheese Ice Cream

    No... no... and NO!
    Were the flavors accurate? Yes.
    Could I have lived a long, happy life without ever tasting those foods in ice cream form? Also yes.
    Moop rating: .5/10

    Dr. Pepper Meat Stick

    Honestly, I love Dr. Pepper and this was nasty. An absolute disgrace!
    Moop rating: .5/10

    Space Dunk Oreos

    I am OBSESSED with these! I think I prefer them to normal Oreos. They're not too crazy, but I love the packaging, the multi-colored frosting, and the popping candy in the frosting. Super fun!
    Moop rating: 10/10

    Blackberry Dr. Pepper

    I specifically tried the sugar-free version of this soda. It was alright. It was suuuuuuper sweet and tasted like berry gum in the beginning. However, a little further in it started tasting like cough medicine and I decided to stop drinking it at that point.
    Moop rating: 3.5/10

    *pictures are not mine
    AncientTower, Lomax70, Sefl and 3 others like this.
  2. What great idea for a thread! Unfortunately you asked the question 40 years too late for me to add to it. I would have gone for everything except for those horrible ice cream flavors. Oh and the meat stick and the candy corn. I used to eat a lot of the regular three colored corn.
    AncientTower and MoreMoople like this.
  3. AncientTower and MoreMoople like this.
  4. Not an Actual Limited time item but me and some friends tried Pilk, a 70/30 combination of Pepsi and milk!

    Sounds horrible, tastes... less horrible, one person actually loved it!

    We should have done it at home, but actually did it at a restaurant i used to work at, ended up getting everyone sitting at the bar to try a glass.. what a weird but good memory

    as for my rating: 6.5/10
    if you like weird combo, give it a try
    AncientTower and MoreMoople like this.
  5. ....salt buns anyone?
    AncientTower and MoreMoople like this.
  6. I feel like this qualifies.

    In Venezuela, after a baseball game of a night out its common to go to a food cart that always have these hot dogs, but the interesting thing is that they are called Asquerositos or if translated "Disgusting little things"

    but it is just a loaded hot dog with many different toppings, traditionally, the three sauces, onions/or slaw, cracked chips, shredded cheese and sometimes melted cheese as well
    a pic i got from the internet
  7. The chips are good and the kitkat is okay.

    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. Your words hurt my soul Moople... Dr.pepper is heaven, and that blackberry one was like more being added to it!
    ultipig, MoreMoople and Tuqueque like this.