Frontier & Wastelands 1.18.x

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Astromath1959, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. This is a discussion of possibilities of what could happen when EMC finally updates to 1.18.x for the frontier & wastelands (towns & game server will be mostly unaffected except for the floor & ceiling changes).

    Frontier, 2 possibilities:
    1) Leave the frontier completely alone and just change the Y values.
    2) Rerender the frontier using the same seed that they were originally rendered with.

    First option would be doable, but unlikely (no chance of building a mountain top castle guarded by screaming goats).
    Second option is probably how EMC will go. However, they must make sure that all builds and explored areas stay the same. Only the unexplored areas would have the new biome renders.

    For the Wastelands I see only one option: Full world reset. Why? Because the distribution of where the ores render will have changed.

    To the EMC developers: Please correct me for any errors in my thinking.
  2. I think the frontier will do what has been done so far. leave old chunks alone and generate new chunks according to 1.18

    borders between these chunks will be interesting, but at negative y is nothing a wall of bedrock can't fix
    wafflecoffee and Merek_Shadower like this.
  3. I think there plans due to discord discussions with chickeneer on emc discord chat is that all wild chunks would get a bellow no matter if its been loaded for more than 5mins
  4. ?

    I know bellow as a verb, what does it mean as a noun?
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  5. isnt there already a thread for this discussion?
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  6. Couldn't find it. I looked at the main update thread and no mention of 1.18.
  7. I don't follow discord.
  8. I believe Katy was referring to this thread.–-caves-cliffs-part-2.84860/

    Not Official EMC thread but a player’s thread that has been in discussion for a while.

    It wasn’t much of a discussion but rather Chicken (The Lead Dev) making inquiries with players about their thoughts to see about the town heights under the Y level 0 and whether allowing the natural deep slate to form which might naturally spawn ores and deep cities or just keep things dirt below that Y level 0.
    KatydidBuild and Merek_Shadower like this.
  9. Interesting idea. Can't recreate an old world using new world gen code though. Trying to generate a new layer of blocks under the old world will result in two very different half-worlds pasted together.

    Maybe better than empty space? Seems controversial and could mean a lot of digging for farm perimeters.
  10. Would you prefer that over void space? I'd prefer open space (I think) but maybe it's cheating because it's a free dug out perimeter for farms :D
  11. Altho just think about the hours of work people might have put in just for it to become alot more hours?
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  12. I wasn't thinking of 607's thread specifically, what i was remembering was a thread that chicken had made (i think?) and asked about what we, as players, were wanting emc to do about some of the mechanics that 1.18 was going to introduce.... and what i dont remember, of course, is where it was. soo.... there's that. But similar discussion of how to handle some of the coming issues.

    and its okay to not Discord, I dont really either. so however you do emc is fine :D
    (as long as its not griefing or stealing, ofc)
  13. AncientTower likes this.