Frontier Rules Agreement

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ttyler333, May 15, 2015.

  1. I have played here nearly every day for over three years and most of the time was in the Frontier and on multiple servers each time I might have seen this dialog and had to stop and click it thousands of times by now(ouch). I would rather not have this targeted against the majority of players who understand the rules and follow them in order to get a message across to a few who either don't read, don't understand, or don't follow the rules.

    I think this would be better targeted towards people who have been here a short time and as more of a random MOTD sort of thing where they have to acknowledge that they read and understand it by answering a question correctly. If it would pop up the first thirty days you played here, the first thirty times you visit the Frontier, or be displayed a few times when you have been gone for more than a week, that would be preferable to me.
    SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  2. The idea was more of a 1 time deal. But i do appreciate your input as well.