Free Utopia farms, tool repair & more

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Envine, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. Hello! For those who don’t want to read just head straight over to
    /v +bam OR /v +bamboo on utopia

    A quick guide to the xp/repair stations, The Redstone lamps opposite each furnace indicate that the furnace is ready to be collected. If the lamp is on just open the furnace and empty it. There’s 64 furnaces in total. One furnace should repair a diamond tool fully when it’s ready. there’s also a couple anvils and a enchantment table here too.

    At the end of the corridor there are 8 chests which will fill up with bamboo to which you are all free to take what you need. If you don’t want to wait for these chests to fill it it would be quicker to press ‘teleport to bamboo output’ button which will teleport you straight to the source and you can do you’re crafting in the bamboo stream.

    If you need nether stalks, nether vines or sugarcane just hit the corresponding button to go there and take what you need from the chests there.

    if you want green dye or raw cactus just press the buttons on the wall to take you there.

    /v 5075 Will Take you to a free wool farm of all colours.

    All farms are fully automatic and afkable

    farm probably has some basic issues, so if there’s any let me know as I haven't tested anything. The item distribution system is rather inefficient and I don’t want to use mine carts. Got any ideas let me know.