Forum Polls - Editing Poll with 0 votes

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Grimm_Pantalones, May 26, 2021.

  1. I just experienced this odd issue that I could see being improved upon.

    The Issue:
    If you were to create a poll, but need to add an option, change the vote style (single vs multiple choice, etc) you can't edit the poll once it is created, even if nobody has voted on it.

    The Solution:
    Change it so that if a poll is created but nobody has voted then the creator has a 'Suspend&Edit Poll' link next to the one for editing the thread the poll is in.
    Clicking the link will temporarily prevent others from voting while the poll is being adjusted (so there isn't an misleading votes made/alterations to the question, etc.).
    When the person is done updating the poll then it gets unlocked and people can cast a vote again.

  2. EMC runs an ancient version of Xenforno, I doubt this is possible.

    Honetly, I don't really care either way. I write out all my threads in Word first, to run them though a spelling checker and whatnot, so I usually don't find the need to edit a post or poll quickly after posting it. (I usually do so a day after posting it, though, correcting some of my phrasing and making stuff clear that comments suggest weren't clear before.)

    I doubt it is possible, but, if it is, a +0 from me :)
    wafflecoffee likes this.