[Forum Game] You're fired for...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, Apr 29, 2013.

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  1. You're fired as this burning incident happened inside the cave.
  2. You're fired for getting burnt 3 times in a row!
  3. You're fired for being the 3rd person me accusing getting burned 3 times in a row!
  4. You're fired for accepting such acquisitions.
  5. You're fire for having a pony in your signature! ME NO LIKE PONIES
  6. Sparer is fired for being burnt piece of toast, because Jakres was burned so much it spread.
  7. Did you read the original post? It said that you can't fire me and that if I fire someone, the next person has to fire the person I fired as well
  8. Maask is being fired for trying to fire his boss!
  9. Gah, sorry, I'll fix it up.
  10. You're fired for not firing someone else correctly!
  11. You're fired for a cutoff sig.
  12. Your fired for not having a cutoff sig.
  13. You're fired for not having a Fellowship of the Ring member as your avatar.
  14. You are fired for demanding us to click on your dragons.
  15. You are fired for having brown hair. I'm a blonde :p A DIRTY blonde....
  16. You're fired for assuming I have brown hair because of my skin. (which i don't)
  17. And I fire you for firing someone who assumed you had brown hair and fired you
  18. I'm not firing you because you never supplied the proper paperwork to fire superiors. Grr.
    I fire the other guy for being at the end of an assumption.
  19. One does not simply,
    Not fire SparerToaster.
    You're fired.
  20. You're fired for the poor use of a meme.
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