Then he is watching us... thinking "hehe these fools have no idea of the use for fragments and stones!"What if Aikar was a robot powered by energy drinks
Then he should share how he is able to harness the energy of these drinks so we can have an efficient source of fuel other than gas, or oil What if Aikar could read our minds, but only when we're on the EMC servers?
I was so gonna do this then I got in line behind THAT post.. uhhhhh If he was a llama, maybe he'd be ... *answer sounds wrong so I botch it* able to carry more of the load? What if Aikar turned an smp's town into the end... (what, I'm crazy )
Stny forgot something. ct: then emc would be less fun Stny: well wouldn't we be in for a shock. What if Aikar wasn't really the owner afterall, like in the days before him?
Then I would shut down and have nothing else to do. xD What if Aikar made every promo available to anyone?
The server would die. What if Aikar.. (running out of ideas) What if Aikar never finishes the Dragon Tomb? (the update...)
Then there would be riots. What if Aikar had actually finished Dragon Tombs years ago, but never told anyone?
.. Then the server would go to Krysyy.... And everyone would hurt for very little time... ... What if Aikar never got on EMC? (at all)