[Forum Game] Two Types of People

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Hashhog, Apr 1, 2017.


    Step 1: Take the word given in the post above and form a statement in the form of There are two types of [people]:... etc., etc. that has to do with that word. Feel free to complete it using other words than people, though I think the deepest declarations come from "people statements."

    Step 2: Post a word of your own for the next person to use.

    Bonus points for entertaining statements!
    1. Follow all EMC rules.
    2. Do not attack, attempt to offend, or be rude to groups or people in your constructions. Gentle joking is okay; verbal fire is not.
    3. Be appropriate and family-friendly in both your new words and your constructions.
    First word: Pillow
  2. There are two type of people in the world: Those who bring pillows camping, and those who bundle up all their clean clothes into a roughly pillow-shaped bundle and sleep on that to lighten their load.

    Word: Toaster
  3. Those who have a toast in the morning and those who have a an idea when the toaster dings

    Word: word
  4. There are are two types of people in the world, those who understand words and those who simply can't comprehend what the heck I'm trying to tell them.

    Word: Break
  5. There are two types of people in this world, those who can manage not to break everything they touch and those who are so clumsy they cannot.

    Word: Tree