[ FORUM GAME ] Swift Riddles

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by DorianPavus_, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. The doctor had figured out that the man's finger was broken.
  2. I love that one, read it in a joke book. Was formulated about a blonde though. :eek:
    Alright, I've got one. It's a poem/riddle though.

    I carry a cross upon my back,
    and I cry and electric tear.
    For my opposite I can not live without,
    though never may we be near.
    607 likes this.
  3. I know what direction to think in, I feel... a magnet?
  4. Right on!

    What goes up and down but doesn't move?
    607 likes this.
  5. Stair Case?

    Riddle: What goes up but never comes down?
  6. Don't you mean goes instead of does?
    Age, perhaps?
    Sachrock likes this.
  7. Yes i meant goes, woops, and yes it is age :p
  8. Yep, stairs. Guess that's a common one. ^^
  9. Well, most of these riddles I didn't know yet, but they're easy enough to figure out yourself. And that's how I like them. They shouldn't be so far-fetched that you only get it after you've been told the answer.
    CloverOcean likes this.
  10. "If an animal takes ten steps northwards, then ten steps eastward, and then ten steps southward, and arrives at the same place it started, what kind of animal is it?"
  11. A Very Long Millipede. (Okay, that's not my guess. I have no idea.)
    A Millipede on a record player! (Okay, visually speaking. I don't know how that would work either.)
    A Millipede on a Ball! ! ! (Final Answer.)

    4th Edit: A Hamster in a Ball. (Actual Final Answer)

    My sentiments exactly. I tend to think of riddles in the same category of jokes, if it's so complicated that the punchline must be explained - the joke loses it's humor. Likewise with riddles in my opinion.
    607 likes this.