[FORUM GAME] Sentence Finisher!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by charlyeee, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. So, it is pretty much like it sounds.
    The person that commented before you will leave a half finished sentence, for you to finish. Then you leave a half finished sentence for the next person.

    ...eats cheese daily.
    I love having lots of...

    Have fun!
    StoneSlabGod and ShelLuser like this.
  2. dirt
    I am a...
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  3. squid that spews out rainbows over night.

    When I get onto smp8...
  4. I will sell all of the malls and stores out of steak.
    When I become a billionaire...
  5. I'll still be relatively poor.
    When I went to slay Momentus...
    tuqueque likes this.
  6. I killed it and realised it was a marlix :p
  7. You are dead, you lil me.
  8. Remember to leave unfinished sentences :p

    A potato...
    tuqueque and 607 like this.
  9. tastes good
    Aikar likes to
  10. look at cat pictures.
    In winter, I...
    HannahEB likes this.
  11. go out into the snow.
    When it rains...
  12. I cry.
    If I lost...
  13. i would feel normal (shot fired)
    When 607...
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  14. Dies he loses a stack of steak.
    I want fBuilderS to...
  15. let me give my promos to him
  16. fBuilderS gave NathanRP 100,000,000 rupees.
    Air is...
  17. 100?
    I need...
  18. Giving the promos away.
    Why do we need to...
    tuqueque likes this.