[Forum Game] Reveal above poster's secret

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Jakres, Jul 8, 2015.



Meow 24 vote(s) 33.8%
Meow 25 vote(s) 35.2%
Meow 28 vote(s) 39.4%
Hiss 21 vote(s) 29.6%
>:3 25 vote(s) 35.2%
3; 16 vote(s) 22.5%
(=ΦエΦ=) 22 vote(s) 31.0%
ლ(●ↀωↀ●)ლ 46 vote(s) 64.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. boozle has never actually watched a single episode of Doctor Who.
  2. Kytula is secretly actually a fox.
  3. Owl_on_Caffeine is actually not on caffeine.
  4. Boozle doesn't like the color TARDIS blue.
  5. Owl believes that Noah's Ark was actually a George Bush presidency plot to make the common public more open to his policies with the middle east.
  6. neonkillah actually doesn't kill neon!
  7. TheStickMan is a Man Stick :eek:
  8. Final Arc isn't the final arc, he's actually the first arc.
  9. Seanawesome's name is not spelled Sean, it is spelled Shawn.
  10. boozle628 is actually a police box
  11. Awesome! no rudeness!
  12. nfell2009 is a barbie doll. (sorry if thats rude, but its a SECRET, so nobody knows)
  13. Damn... that was real :{ (jks of course... xD)

    CatLady is a cat.
  14. nfell is a penguin in a barbie suit.
  15. CatLady808 is my sister.
  16. Evesthery is MY sister.
  17. boozle is my uncle
  18. I have 4 siblings (one of them being CatLady808), but I have it on record that my brother has no idea how to type. He's 3!
    Boozle is really Krysyyjane's alt (hence the tardis)
    Edit: Ninja'ed! :mad: Darn it! Well, epic0258 is a rainbow. That frog up front is for show.
    607 likes this.
  19. Evesthery is an only child.
  20. Techninja's siggy may look like it contains 2 retards, but it really contains two amazing people being manly men enjoying their manly moustaches :cool:
    codygraw101 and TechNinja_42 like this.