[Forum Game]Name your own SS armor!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tuqueque, May 17, 2018.

  1. Here's mine, even if it's really unrealistic. ;)
    Mutant Crown - Golden Helmet
    Protection VI, Fire Protection VI, Unbreakable
    Unstable to all who fight. When health is below 10%, summon Omneoss.

    Boney Chestplate/Leggings - Diamond Gear
    Protection VI, Thorns XX, Unbreakable
    Hard as concrete, just unbreakable. Spreads weakness effect in a 2x2 radius.

    Teleportation Boots - Diamond Boots
    Protection VI, Fire Protection VI, Unbreakable
    Feel the wrath of teleportation. Every 20 seconds, teleport anywhere in a 10x10 radius.

    The EnderSword - Diamond Sword
    Sharpness III, Knockback XXX, Unbreakable
    The End is only for the brave... Each hit gives Blindness and Nausea.

    Crossbones- Bow
    Power III, Knockback XX, Unbreakable
    Built from the strongest bones to break other bones. Able to fire two arrows at once.
  2. Mithril Visor: Iron helmet with P10 and 50% knockback resistance
    Rose Gold Plate Mail: Pink dyed leather chestplate with P10 and FP10
    Heavenly Greaves: Iron leggings with P10 and +20 max health
    Sundance Slippers: Diamond boots with P10, FF5, DS3, and +20% walk speed
    (All armor is modified to be the equivalent of diamond)

    Zweizreaper: Diamond sword with S10, SE3, and FA5
    Lullaby: Bow with P15, Pu5, I
  3. This is going to be too OP. And fun!
    Reforged Iron Helmet: First Creation of the Science God
    Protection III, Normal Iron defense, increased ability for potions and enchanting, as well as all crafting recipes. Items randomly may not be consumed, at a 25% Probability for each recipe, for 2 items, at random. Unbreakable. Final.
    Lore: A god from the collective reasoning of humanity arose from the mind, and worked to increase knowledge and reason. This is one of its creations. Its very first creation using reforged iron, an iron-type metal which can harness magical properties. The magic in this helmet is of the Science God.
    Auric Fire Chestplate: The Triumph of Reason over Nether-Flame
    Protection III, Normal Iron defense, Thorns II. Complete fire immunity, lava immunity, as well as 50% reduced damage from Nether Mobs. Inflict fire with all damage. Decreased Nether Mob aggression, with the exception of Blazes. Increased aggression for them. Unbreakable. Final.
    Lore: The Science God's triumph over the Nether-Fire was met with almost universal approval. With his victory, it tamed the fire of the nether. All nether mobs, except that of the Nether-Flame's children, fears the power of the Science God. The Nether-Flame's children seek revenge.
    Logical Apotheosis: Omnibenevolence
    Protection VI, Normal Iron Defense. Regeneration 2 Equivalent Regen, 10 Extra Hearts. Heals all players in a 20 Block radius for 0.5* rate of Regeneration 1. This effect can be toggled. Unbreakable. Final.
    Lore: The God of Science was a good god. It saw petty players warring, and resolved to create armor which full potential could easily be unlocked by a human and bring all players together. Its creation was finished, and dropped to the Overworld. It would bring peace, it would bring logical apotheosis to its wearer.
    Tread the Earth: They Whom Spread its Word Shall be Blessed
    Protection III, Normal Iron Defense. Applies onto player buff: Blessing of the Science God 1. While under this buff, wearers will have many buffs applied onto a lesser extent. List: Regeneration, Night Vision, Resistance, Fire Resistance, Good Luck, and Haste. In addition, the buff must be maintained by placing signs spreading the word of the Science God, every 20 minutes. Unbreakable. Final.
    Lore: These boots were created originally as boots for its prophets, by the god. But, they have since made their way to the SS Warlord678. How this was achieved is unknown, as these boots are not easily obtainable or usable by regular players..
    Full Set: The Tale of God, and its Successors

    Blessing of the Science God 2. Upgraded version of 1, with Speed and Leaping added.
    Once long ago, the Science God was omnibenevolent. It was a good age. A better age. An age before calamity, and Marlix, and Momentus, and Eyender, and the Wither. It however, broke into many pieces. Inevitably, players were superstitious. They refused to believe in logic and fact. This weakened the once mighty god, and dwenked the moon of the God's power. Soon, it realized its best chance of survival lay in breaking itself and repairing itself, however slowly. The act was done. It had implanted itself in every player, everyone. However, several large fragments took physical form. One took form into the website of EMC. Another took form into the Map. Another, took form into the SS Warlord678, to either be its successor or prophet. Some other fragments took form, but it is unknown what happened to them. They are lost, just the God was. It must be rebuilt.

    Reforged Iron: A fine metal, fit for molding
    Can be obtained by smelting iron ingots, at a 95% probability of the iron being destroyed. It can be crafted together with various ingredients to create various items.
    Lore: Reforged iron was the Science God's first creation. It can be crafted together with various items to receive properties. It is, however durable on its own.
    Battleaxe of the Logic God
    50% swing cooldown reduction, Sharpness III. Fire Aspect I, Knockback III. Gets different damage boosts for each mob type, with unintelligent Zombies receiving a massive boost, while the intelligent Skeleton receives a smaller one. Unbreakable. Final.
    Lore: So well balanced as to cut lifting the axe time by half. So effective at knocking back enemies. Almost perfect. Its true power, however lies in its ability to exploit an enemy's weaknesses by intelligence.
    Bow of Scientific Retribution
    Infinity, Flame, Power, Punch III, Power VI, AOE to mimic Aimbot.
    Lore: It is said this bow grants superhuman intelligence, at least when it comes to aiming with bows.
    The God's Antithesis: Wrath of God
    An item when in your inventory, provides massive buffs far exceeding Blessing of the Science God. Mobs now have a upgraded detection range, and you are drawn to them, in your bloodlust. Lighting constantly strikes at your location, and difficulty is increased to 10. Regional difficulty increases as much as possible. In addition, enraged mob/boss spawning rules and gametick goes haywire around you. This is one of the craftable items, but is hard to obtain.
    Explained: 8 Dragon Stones, and 1 Instinct Core.
    The instinct core can be obtained by a Nether star and Sparks, in a ring. It takes 50,000 tokens to create. It must be activated, by Zombie-Virus drinking in order to best synchronize with the core's state. Then, dropping it in lava will anger it and allow it to be used in crafting. Be careful, in 15 seconds, the item explodes!
    Told ya it was hard to get!
    Lore: What have you done!? You have doomed us. You have doomed logic and reason. You have allowed in a God far exceeding the Science God out of sheer curiosity. This one is not omnibenevolent, it is evil. It will end us! Curse you. You have brought in the end. Pray, you fool. Pray that god will contain this breach in reality, objectified.
    MoreMoople and cTJx like this.
  4. Helmet: Shyguy Robe Hood
    Chestplate: Shyguy Robe
    Leggings: Shyguy Pants
    Boots: Shyguy Shoes

    Everything maxed out to highest possible enchants lawl

    I know, creative :p
  5. Helmet: Head Brace
    Chest: Heart Guard
    Legs: Knee Plates
    Boots: Lego Deflectors

    Sword: Slice Thingy
    Bow: Shooter McGavin
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.