Forum game: "My Ravine"!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by alex_jacob, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. Yes, but it's called a 'spin-off'. Halo reach was a spinoff. Same game, same feel, different characters, different enviroment, different objective.
  2. I'm a panda human crossbreed that likes to eat chocolate and looks and tastes like chocolate.

    My ravine.
  3. Pulling out the big guns!

    I go into the local real estate thingy and buy the ravine

    my ravine
  4. I eat Cake and watch you kill eachother.

    Not my ravine.
  5. I used 7000 Miniguns to shoot everybody off

  6. I use my Algebra skills to make you all realize that the ravine is on a different island, making you go on a wild goose chase. My ravine.
  7. Uses my smart brain to get fool-proof

    My ravine
  8. I drink some Coca Cola and isn't affected.

    Not my Ravine.
  9. I use power my ravine
  10. I fart.

    Not my ravine.
  11. I activate piggeh rampage!
    My ravine!
  12. Your username is a rip-off of my aunt's cat named fluff.
    alex_jacob likes this.
  13. Cooks all the pilettz to bacon

    My ravine
  14. the bacon is cooked at 1,000 degrees which makes them come to life!

    My ravine!
  15. I slap ya'll silly, replace the floor with legos, put on lego-resistant shoes. MY Ravine.
  16. I like Nougat.

    Still not my Ravine.
  17. I chuck a democrat at you and he takes your stuff and drives you into a deep hole. My ravine.
  18. You wish.

    My Ravine.
  19. I take the stargate to the tauri and conqur the hill
    MY HILL!
  20. Meh

    My hill