[Forum Game] MC Items Word Chain!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Sazukemono, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. The rules are as follows:
    In this game you may only use items that appear in vanilla minecraft (emc special items and promos also allowed). Let's face it, EMC is MC is EMC :p
    You must pick an item that begins with the final letter of the item posted before it.
    You may not double post, and please don't use an alt account to get around this ^_~*
    Items may only be used more than once in a chain if there are at least two posts between them.
    For our purposes, years are included in item names as words, not numbers.
    I shall also allow Player heads, but no anvil-renamed items. For the heads, "Sazukemono's Head" would be the full name, so the next item would need to start with a 'D'.

    Example of a valid chain:
    postt: Water Bucket
    post2: Torch
    post3: Haunted Head 2013
    post4: Netherhound Egg

    If you want to add some flair and submit your item by screenshot, please crop your image to just the item and tooltip. ^_~* Go nuts!

    I'll start us off with: Meteor Bow

    edit: bonus points if you can match the item name coloring for special items to how they appear in-game! :)
  2. Wooden Pickaxe
    lifeconn likes this.
  3. Krysyy head
  4. Theomglover head
  5. Lucky Bow
    lifeconn and EmpireMuseum like this.
  6. White pointed star
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. Remembrance Poppy
  8. Yellow Krysyy Head
  9. Diamond Leggings
  10. Stuffing Scooper
  11. Krysyy PVP head
  12. Diamond supporter voucher
  13. Rudolph
    lifeconn likes this.