This game is pretty simple. Remember that fun game you played as a kid where one person would start the story, then the next person would say the next part of it, etc.? This is just like that. You are only allowed a max of two sentences per add-on. I will start the story below. Then all you guys have to keep on making it better!! Make sure to keep it appropriate! You cannot post two times in a row, you must wait for a person to add-on then you can. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing. Let's see how crazy this story can get! Let the games begin! Sentence 1: Once there was a man named Bob.
Cool game idea! Once there was a man named Bob. Bob loved to dance. His dancing skills were super, and he taught a dance class called Dancing Bob's.
I like it, but at the moment I don't have enough courage to continue the story. I will wait a bit, you may continue.
and led him to...the dance floor of Dancing Bob's. Then in a bizarrely high pitched and squeaky but soft voice the leprechaun said "...."
"No." The Leprechaun beamed, "I identify as a monky, BUT, the majority of me is Leprechaun." "I don't really like being a Leprechaun because...."
"Yeah, the other Leprechauns make fun of me for it, but it's an allergy I swear! I'm totally not scared of them..." *cough*