[Forum Game] Keep A Word, Drop A Word!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by fireshadow52, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Dress hanger.
  2. Away we go
    607 likes this.
  3. we go shopping
    607 likes this.
  4. Shopping at walmart
  5. GRAD shopping
  6. at walmart i buy clothes
  7. Buy cake
    607 likes this.
  8. Wow, that's a whole lot of ninja'ing going on in here :o
    Wearing clothes

    Edit: Just like I said.

    The cake is a truth.
  9. wearing shoes
  10. *throws shoes*
  11. Max's Shoes :O
  12. Max's Book
  13. enchanted book
  14. Enchanted fairytale
  15. Enchanted thread.

    (I shall not let this thread die...)
  16. Thank you. Could you help with the association thread too?

    Silken thread
  17. Woven thread.
    607 likes this.