I have not refreshed the guesses yet, so you won't know unless someone else guesses Z as well. Actually, with 8 people having used their letter guess already, let's keep the pace up: guesses will be renewed by mid-night EMC time!
Since guesses have been renewed I'll take all my guesses letters and words here in one fowl swoop. I'll guess the letter Y Also I'd like to guess the words as R A T I F Y and L A D I F Y
That is not actually possible. You cannot guess a letter and a word right away. I will process the letter, as you said that first: the letter Y is not in either of the words! That means that your pair of words is impossible. They are nice words, though! For clarity: this means that you can guess another pair of words, if you would like (but the pair can't include 'ratify' or 'ladify', as both of those are now impossible ).