[FORUM GAME] Food Guess!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by puppylover1678, May 3, 2022.

  1. Cool idea!

    Uh... cornflakes?
  2. Wheat Thins?
  3. Oh umm...

    Hint 1: It's a summer classic.

    Hint 2: Goes great on Hot Dogs.

    Hint 3: A very popular brand.
  4. Mayonaise?
  5. Seeing I am enjoying a hot dog right now, I will guess the only thing that I put on mine. Mustard?
    607 likes this.
  6. Uh mustard is nasty.
    The correct answer has to be Heinz Ketchup, though I really dont like ketchup either.. BBQ sauce is where its at!
  7. Both good guesses but no still.

    Think less condiment and more side.