Fortnite Lore - A History Thread

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by SoulPunisher, May 5, 2019.

  1. BANTS

    Save The World

    Thousands of years ago, The Storm arrived on Earth, but was eventually somehow defeated. In the 21st century, The Storm is released into the world by a company called Vindertech, on the assumption that they could control it and make profit from 'fighting' it. The Storm spawned 'Husks', pretty much just zombies, who killed millions of people and The Storm began to hunt the remaining survivors. Vindertech started to recruit people to take the fight to The Storm and defeat it once and for all.

    These heroes ventured inside of The Storm and eventually found the Storm King. They utilise the 'In-Between', a universe that links the multiverse together. 'Desiree', one of the lab technicians at Vindertech, detonates a bomb inside of The Storm that sucks it and the Storm King into the In-Between, sacrificing herself.

    Battle Royale

    The Ice King and The Prisoner did battle. The Prisoner lost and was banished into an iceberg. The primitive tribes on the Fortnite island began to worship the 'Tomato Head' after it mysteriously appeared in their world and they created a temple dedicated to it. The Visitor escaped imprisonment and was chased by The Enforcer throughout the galaxy.

    Season 3

    The Visitor, planning to lose The Enforcer and get home, figured out he could use the In-Between to take a shortcut home and finally ditch the Enforcer. The In-Between rejects him however, and chucks him and 'Hop Rocks', remnants of The Storm, into his universe.

    The Visitor's ship hurtled towards the Fortnite Battle Royale world, and slammed into Dusty Depot, creating a massive crater in the world, covered in Hop Rocks. The Save The World universe and the Battle Royale universe were now connected, and things like buildings from STW began appearing in the BR world - a pizza restaurant's mascot, a tomato head, mysteriously disappeared (it got teleported back in time). To distract from this, the government in the BR universe created a movie about superheroes.

    Season 4

    The Visitor woke up after his crash landing and was determined to continue trying to get back home. He broke into one of the superhero's lairs and modified their fake spaceship with Hop Rocks. This created a nuke. He put himself in it and accidentally launched it into a rift that teleported the nuke away, and launched it at Moisty Mire, which was turned into a desert. The STW-BR world's rift began to fix itself, but the damage was not undone. For example, a teenager called Drift was vandalising a restaurant sign at the wrong time in the STW universe, and was teleported with the sign into the BR world.

    Season 6

    The Rift shrank all throughout Season 5, but it failed to close in time - the Storm King, transformed into The Cube, fell through The Rift. It rolled throughout the map, burning runes into the ground as it went. It arrived in Loot Lake and created a floating island, and began to drain the lake into a portal buried beneath the lake. The floating island then floated around the island and sucked up the runes, and then blew the island up, scattering monsters all over the island, and planned to kill every human in the world.

    The Heroes on the island attacked and destroyed The Cube, but were transported to the In-Between. Desiree, now living on as a weird glass butterfly, greets the Heroes. When they came back, a blizzard is brewing on the horizon.

    Season 7

    The blizzard arrives on the island - it turns out to be an iceberg. Sgt. Winter, basically buff war veteran Santa Claus, declares war on the inhabitants. The Ice King thawed out of the iceberg, and realised that the same will happen to The Prisoner - in a last ditch effort to stop such a thing from happening, he froze the entire island and, using the runes The Cube left behind, spawned his Ice Legion army.

    The Ice King's efforts were in vain, however. The Prisoner unthawed and defeated the Ice Legion. He ran away and started stealing keys off the Key Master, revealing himself as the Fire King.

    Season 8

    The Fire King then created a giant volcano and hatched an army of ninja dragons. The Key Master is annoyed that he's had his keys stolen and travels to the island to protect against the Fire King. Pirates arrive on the island to search for treasure. The government also arrives to search for hop rocks, so they can use them for their own gain.

    However, the government only manages to uncover The Vault, which apparently seems to hold the In-Between inside of it. The volcano also erupts, completely destroying Tilted Towers and Retail Row, and cracking Polar Peak. F in the chat bois.

    dunno why I spent 20 minutes writing this
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