Haha, Chicken Supreme is just a chicken breast with the wing bone still attached. It just looks nicer than your average boneless skinless variety. I work in a locally owned and run steak-house. We do a lot of steak and seafood, as well as some classics, like meatloaf, roast turkey, etc for the older folks. The restaurant was established in 1947 so we get a lot of old timers coming out for dinner. It's all high-end food that we make from scratch.
Ahhh, that clears some things up "I work in a locally owned and run steak-house. We do a lot of steak" Hehe, sorry, I had to get that out of my system But seriously that sounds awesome. Did you go to a culinary arts program or did you learn on your own through trial and error?
Haha, yeah, maybe that was a bit redundant. I have not taken a culinary program, I've just been working in kitchens for about 6 years now.
This is the 3rd kitchen I've worked in. The first was a small college cafeteria where we fed 60 people max in the cafeteria, but we also had a banquet hall that could seat 300 so we could cater weddings and receptions and whatnot. The second kitchen I worked in was another cafeteria, but this time for a very large university (Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario) where we fed 1000+ people every day. I was getting sick of the large scale food production style cooking of the cafeteria, so I moved on to restaurant work, and I doubt I will look back. The fast pace, adrenaline filled work environment of working a restaurant line can't be beat. I do however miss working the banquets. I always had fun with those, even though some of those days were 15 hours long.
60 max a day or spread out in a week? OoO O.O That.. is a little much. The pressure would be intense right!? And also, yer Canadian or did you go there to work? I would imagine, though adrenaline everyday is a bit much... Are there many slow days or is it generally consistent? (I know slow days are on of the worst things possible, but I am curious XD)
60 per day, but a lot of them went home on the weekends so they were slower. It can be a bit much, haha. But yeah, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are generally slower days. Wednesday, Thursday are a bit better but the weekends are the busiest. And yes, the really slow days drag on for sooooo looooonnnng. Those days we generally just clean the kitchen.
I see XD Huh. With a college, you would think it would be busier This statement applies to both of those comments One would imagine, since you get so used to the fast pace. And that, in my opinion, is the worst part of any job. Cleaning, while necessary, sucks.