First 10 Mins back on EMC after two years.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by iiCory, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. Hi, I'm Cory (formerly iRupees, CoryLovesYou, Etc.) and I've just been allowed to come back to EMC after two years.

    These are just going to be little screenshots and clips of texts from my first ten minutes actually playing.


    I started out back at zero, so I'm going into the wasteland to get some materials and start mining.

    Found someone's old mine, going to use it to start mining my own resources.

    Alright let's go.

    Pls no.
    padde73 and ChespinLover77 like this.
  2. Welcome back! Awesome to see you return to EMC! :D And good luck on your first adventures on EMC, chapter X! :)
  3. Wow throwback lol welcome back Cory!
  4. Welcome back
  5. Welcome back! I actually remember u. :D
  6. Corrrrrrryyyyy!