[EVENT] Xen's 400th Day Anniversary Drop Party!!!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Xenarchy, Jul 27, 2015.


Will you be able to make it?!?

Poll closed Jul 31, 2015.
Yes, definitely! 5 vote(s) 18.5%
Possibly, not too sure. 20 vote(s) 74.1%
Nope, not a chance ): 2 vote(s) 7.4%
  1. This is awesome xen! Gratz on reaching 400. And thanks for hosting this!
    You're right smp1 ftw!
  2. Nub, I'll come :D
  3. ?
  4. Bump =] DP In an hour and 10 minutes!
  5. One hour, getting hyped! :)
  6. Already in a cage for the event... help me. Congrats Xen :p
  7. Thanks to all who showed up, hope you had a great time!
  8. Sorry that I didn't make it, 2am was hard to get to.

    Hope you had fun!