[EVENT] Trouble in MineTown

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by A_Dolphin, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. Reminder to the following that the event begins in 25 minutes, if you are going to be on mumble, be on there in 20 minutes.

    In about 13 minutes.
  2. are we using aikar.co for mumble?
  3. Yes, I will say which channel in about 12 minutes.
  4. True, 15 minutes :D
  6. when will the ip be out?
  7. We will be in the 2nd channel in aikar.co. I will be releasing the IP in a second..
  8. IP:
  9. Can people spectate or is it whitelisted?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. How do I even use Mumble?
    I'm so confused, my first time using it xD
  11. 1 minute and 30 seconds :D.
  12. Will you be available for at least 30 minutes at the correct time? Yes
    Will you be able to be early to the event for at least 5 minutes? Yes
    Will you randomly kill people if you know they are on your team? No
    Will you follow the EMC rules? Yes
    Do you have Mumble?(If not, are you willing to get it?)(Does not need mic) I don't have it but I can get it.
    What is your favourite color? Red
    (If the 12 positions are full)Will you volunteer to be an extra on a short notice? Yes.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. why did you close the server
  14. skype me, i'll explain >.<
  15. Rainbow forgot to enable command blocks
  16. uhmmm....
    /gamerule commandBlocksEnabled (or something like that) true
  17. guys if you applied, join the game
  18. Don't think so. Are you sure?
  19. If you are on the standby list, you may join.
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