[EVENT] Super's 600th Day Drop Party

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by SuperVal_Junior, Nov 26, 2013.


Will you be going?

Poll closed Dec 10, 2013.
Y-E-S. YES! 5 vote(s) 21.7%
Most probably, I'll try my best to attend! 14 vote(s) 60.9%
I won't be able to go.. :( 4 vote(s) 17.4%
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  1. I'll bear( ;) ) there
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  2. Congrats SuperVal! I'll be there :)
    missdeedee68 and SuperVal_Junior like this.
  3. 1 hour before it starts :)
  4. If you don't mind, right before it starts run through the servers and give a little heads up since I'll probably forget lol :p
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  5. Congrats! Looking forward to it :D
  6. I will be there!
  7. Due to some faults and errors on my part, I will no longer be hosting this event :(
    All the stuff I've saved up for this event would be used for a Giveaway on the forums which I may post at a later date.
    I sincerely apologize for this and I'll ensure that it won't happen again to my future Giveaways and Parties :(
    FDNY21 and xHaro_Der like this.
  8. LOL you crashed smp4 with all that
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  9. locked untill a few things are figured out :)
    607 likes this.
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