[EVENT] PWU Big Dig Special Nether Edition

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by khixan, Jul 12, 2017.


Ghasts are really

Poll closed Aug 12, 2017.
Marshmallows in need of roasting 19 vote(s) 61.3%
Nether floating fish 7 vote(s) 22.6%
The true cats of the Minecraft world 1 vote(s) 3.2%
Our overlords of gunpowder and tears 2 vote(s) 6.5%
Cephalopods 2 vote(s) 6.5%
  1. Huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to help today! <3

    TBird I think won both the first death and most deaths LOL :D

    There are still some folks out there finishing up. I am breaking for an hour, and Jadziaa is in charge till I return. I need some food IRL :)
    PineappleGem and Jadziaa like this.
  2. Thank you for hosting the event! Was great fun!
    Haven't really done anything for PWU for months :p
    khixan likes this.
  3. Somehow didnt see this at all and missed it...
  4. Sorry Nuclear, I did advert it and had it on my profile 2 or 3 times :( If you like building, there will be plenty of that for it in the upcoming weeks!
  5. sad i missed out had to work. Looks amazing
    khixan likes this.
  6. Sorry for missing it Khixan, I was there and you had just left when I got there then had to go. =/
    khixan likes this.
  7. No worries guys! We had fun and got it all done in 5 hours. I took a break at 6pm for dinner, and everyone had it finished up when I returned at 7pm :D
    The building phase should start next weekend if anyone wants to come out then. It's a big build and will likely be under construction for several weeks/months. Plenty more opportunities to hang out and participate if you wish :)
    Thank you all!
    Jadziaa likes this.
  8. Sweet! I will try and be on hand for at least some of it when I can. =]
    khixan likes this.
  9. While I missed the event (Stupid Work), Im glad to hear it was a success. We all benefit from PWU and its great that you were able to incorporate a big dig.
    khixan likes this.