First time I ever saw this thread. I really want to compete but I can't. note to self: check forums more often
The race did happen. I had IRL drama to attend to first which held me up. I apologize for that inconvenience to some but the race did happen at 8:00 PM est. There will be another race and it will be later to prevent the inconveniences caused from this delay.
Ok thx! I would have been able to make it at the later time if it wasn't for irl reasons also. I don't quite know if the second race has already happened at this time but ok.
Ppl in this thread, if u missed the race im holding races every friday at 6pm emc time. Info:https: //
Lol i guess just saw a bunch of ppl saying they were sad they missed it lol, and i can bp my thread for a few hours