[EVENT] First Night Fright

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Do you remember back when you first started the game of Minecraft? You may have logged in, walked around trying to get your bearings in the pixel world around you when suddenly it was night time and the monsters attacked. You likely died, or maybe you made it out alive. Either way it was the hard lesson that you needed to focus more on building yourself a shelter than exploring the world around you. Today, Krysyy (that's me) invites you to relive the past and participate in an exploration adventure with nothing to start with and only one goal: SURVIVE!

    If you want to join Krysyy on this special Miner Mania event at 7 EMC time, meet at the spawn of *rolls random number gen* SMP5. We'll be heading out to the Wastelands spawn in the *rolls random selector* SOUTHWEST direction.

    See you there!
  2. This seems like a cool event, I will see if I can make it :)
    Krysyy likes this.
  3. Guess I'll give it a shot. All that could happen is death.
    CliffCraft and Krysyy like this.
  4. I fully expect to perish at least 5 times. Yes, I can be that specific ;)
  5. oh dear lord no...

    i'm a post-millennial i expect everything to be done for me.

    what is this the dark ages? savages...
  6. Live on the wild side....(haha, get it?)
    No? Blame BK for infecting me with terrible pun syndrome.
  7. Well this will be interesting. xD
    Krysyy likes this.
  8. I'll try my best to make it lol, I am in the mood to start from scratch xD
    Krysyy likes this.
  9. This sounds like my cup of tea, unfortunately it is bed time. :cool:
    Krysyy likes this.
  10. I’ll try and make it let’s see how many times I die
    Krysyy likes this.
  11. That's what they invented caffeine for ;)
    padde73, TomvanWijnen and CliffCraft like this.
  12. CliffCraft and survival = no good. If you see me in the corner of the house we build in the fetal position just teleport me back to town. Haha this is why I play EMC haha if I play single player it’s creative lol
  13. Orca-n I keep it going?
  14. This could make for a fun regularly occurring event. Everyone going out armed with no tools, weapons, food or any other supplies of any kind and just trying to survive. And dying many many times if possible. xD
    Slvr, NDubb424, Krysyy and 2 others like this.
  15. I second that! If I do pretty good I could do that!!! (Not to steal anyone’s thunder)
  16. The creative thunder is shared by all who hear it.

    Ohh look at me being all philosophical and things...
    Sazukemono and CliffCraft like this.
  17. Ugh, actually sounds like something I'd like to do, but unfortunately I'll be trying to survive studying my tests (yes it's half past 12 here and yes I'll likely need like another 5 hours whoops I hate this), so good luck to me and to everyone who does have time to attend the surmine (survive & mine :cool:) event! :)
    Krysyy likes this.
  18. Krysyy you gonna make sure no one has anything in their inventory lol
  19. I'm gonna strongly suggest that players abide by the concept of the event, but at the end of the day, the event is for funzies. I'm not gonna have bouncers at the door if that's what you are asking :p