[EVENT] Empire Olympics

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Please can I help in smp8
  2. Don't get me started.
    migueldemesa likes this.
  3. Anybody see the Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony? We should have something like that. And uniforms designed by the server team. Both prime and backup would walk in.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  4. I'll be sub for SMP4 although i did ask first
  5. I Would Like To Be IN The Olympics If I am IN PLease Tell Me
  6. Geez. How many times will i have to say... READ SOULPUNISHER'S SIG.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  7. Where Can I Find SOULPUNISHER's Sig
  8. What CAn I Do If The Servers Say Im On 1 Already But IM Not SO It wont Let me Join
  9. you can see if someone has hijacked your account.
  10. How?
  11. I think he shou;ld scratch all the names, and let supporters, plus semi well known members of the community, instead of people who got in, yet barely know anything about it.
    14wcooley likes this.
  12. Agreed.
  13. we both use loads of caps ive stopped now, recommended
  14. Hey Fellow Empire Craftians (I don't really see that catching on.)

    My name is Globalsword and I wish to represent the Smp 8 server.
    Although I do not live on that server, i have for a short time.

    I want to participate in the Empire Olympics because I want to meet other players from other servers, and represent someone/something. I also wish to do it for the fun. I also wish to be part of Empire Minecraft history, and to represent a server that isn't me home server.

  15. Nice try to be fancy. Read the first page. NO MORE APPS!!
  16. Can I be an official sponsor of smp2
  17. IMO, we should have something like the independent athletes at London 2012 to get more people in. Just an idea...
  18. Oh wait. I'll represent the Test server. Or, if that is closed, then I'll go get Aikar, and we can represent the PvP server.
  19. I will be from smp9 i would love to do the games