Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by fluffinator09, May 4, 2013.


What map should we use?

Poll closed May 4, 2013.
Rainforest Valley 5 vote(s) 22.7%
Sunken Island 7 vote(s) 31.8%
Reichi Island 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Archlia Island 2 vote(s) 9.1%
The Alps 8 vote(s) 36.4%
  1. 7 minutes left hurry up with the ip
  2. 5 minutes (this aint going to end well)
  3. Relax guys. We're just finishing up :)
  4. but whats the IP, im in the competition
  5. xD you guys need to chill out, theres a huge window of time for us to play in, a small delay wont matter much
  6. Im doing a TF2 style on this countdown
  7. 3 minutes (run and scream!!!!!!)
  8. ok, but are the IP's announced at 7:00, or earlier
  9. I can't make it.
  10. are they gonna announce the ip?
  11. good to know before 25 seconds left
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  12. so whats the IP
  13. Im not whitelisted
  14. IP IS at the Twitch link!
  15. whats the IP
  16. whats the link
  17. :p
  18. Sorry I couldnt make it... Just got home, didnt anticipate coming home this late :(