Eternia grinder

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by CrownOfEgypt, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. You are invited to come anytime :)
  2. check the Eternia thread in staff forums ;)
  3. I love how Etho wrapps gifts! =D
  4. That gift was awesome. I enjoyed the rest of that video more than the spawner. :D

    Did you go to the link and see it opened up? Hilarious!
  5. ill count that as first
  6. Nice I would like to see this just to know how it is built
  7. so, I forgot to close MC before I went into a 1hr+ meeting... and was essentially 2hrs before I got back...
    Lets just say it works... 430+ mobs were inside it (used entity count on F3)

    watch my level...
    and after i wiped them out I remembered to take a new screen of current level

    I'm now 45 about to go enchant.
  8. I think i know where it is :D
  9. dont be telling no one lol
  10. I wont :) have my own anyway would be nice to pay a visit though providing its okay with Aikar
  11. *sigh* if I only knew where it was.
  12. so if you can find it can you use it
  13. make an artifical hill around eternia. and put trees on the hill. And tnt landmines.
    imBobertRobert and Michael_Nolan like this.
  14. o3o. That is a very big grinder there...

  15. look, if somebody finds your He-Man grinder and doesn't grief it, not much can be said about it. I mean, am I wrong here?
    NurglesRott and carninj4 like this.
  16. guys, please do not look for it :( and if you do find it, please do not go to it or share the loc. While you may not be malicious, you could and likely will end up leading someone else there who WILL be malicious.

    I share alot about my place, just see my screenshots to see it :) Maybe one day we can figure out a way to make it safe for the public to visit, but until then, I ask you to respect my privacy and not look for it/go there.
  17. right, just i'm asking as a player, to please not go to it :p I'm not threatening to ban people for doing it, just asking as a player to please just watch from the live map if you do find it.
    BloodDisciple likes this.
  18. Okay, just to explain myself: The only reason I posted a sort of sanity check was because I was seeing some strong language, apparently prohibiting the area. I think some of the posts that were on here a bit ago got deleted.
    To be clear, I wasn't posting because I want to find your grinder. You won't see me trying to find, use or foul up your stuff... I think I hate griefers more than most, in fact. I just saw a couple comments (now gone) trying to sort of sanctify the land and prohibit transit, use, griefing on it, etc., and thought that it was a bit absurd. I've been griefed plenty, and my stuff is just as vulnerable as yours or anybody else's. I know how frustrating it is and how, usually, no mod or anybody else can do anything about it.

    I understand the desire to protect your stuff, and I'm pretty confident that you'll be able to do so effectively, and I hope you succeed in that.

    So, *like* on your previous comment. Awesome grinder :) Awesome project. Awesome nod to He-Man nostalgia.
    NurglesRott and carninj4 like this.
  19. I agree with every sentence in this post. I did go looking for it, and I don't even play on SMP7, nor do I need usage of a grinder. I see things like this as a challenge. Just as building in the Wild is a challenge. Everything I have in the Wild is relatively close to spawn points, because it's my thought that ingenuity should be rewarded, not frowned upon. If someone finds a grinder I built, and wants to use it...more power to you. If someone ruins it, I'll move on. If what I've done doesn't get griefed, then I hid my things well and can be proud of what I've done. I mean, it doesn't take a whole lot of ingenuity to build 6 hours into the wild.... Even the most determined griefer will get bored. And if he doesn't, then kudos to to him for not having a life, right?
  20. I agree with you guys, which is why I removed their comments... they were a little out of line. I will get onto them for that ;)

    and as for HeMan... funny story... I randomly chose the name Eternia a long time (years) ago to name my "guild", and then later found out it was from Heman... I had never heard the name before. It just came to me lol (He-Man was like just barely in my age generation, I can't remember if I watched it or not but pretty sure I saw some)

    But after I found out, I decided to use the "Adora" name as my surname in games :p so my gamer tag is AikarAdora on XBL.