[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Really Sweets, I saw what you did. Neighbors... xD
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. Suri empire shall rise against the Sweets!!!! Mwuahahhahahah! (hint hint: im with suri, and you should check your house xD)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. 1. In-game name: natesam34 (soon to be "Pauses" as soon as name changes are supported
    2. Timezone: EST
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since around the beginning of 2011. It's my 1100 day on EMC today :D
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: I was banned for exploiting promos but it has all been resolved. I've decided to start over so my account was reset and I started over. After that I decided to devote my time at EMC in helping other players :D
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: On my res in the future, I do plan on building a mega-mall sooner or later :)
    6. What is your favorite Minecraft activity: Building :)
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I think it would be a great place to meet new friends and really connect with the community.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: All of them are pretty important, but I think the 8th one is pretty ideal :)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. Hey guys,
    What do you think about connecting the outer parts of the city better to the centre?
    I thought we could extend the portal network so that new portals from the east and west part of the city connect to the netherrail station portal. The netherrail station portal would of course always lead to the main portal in the centre.
    Then you could for example go from haast's or rainbow's house through the portal, end up in the rail station, go through the portal there and come up again in the centre. At least it would work one way...
  5. That could work, but right now these houses at the outer of Carthaga centre are not that far away. But we still could make those up.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. Hey Suriyakeng, I thought of a way to transport a minecraft chest to town without a player.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. 1. In-game name: not haastregt
    2. Timezone: not haastregt's timezone
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 days
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: nope
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: yesh
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: talking and trolling with alts
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: Because when I was young I had a little problem, the problem was that I never had the oppertunity, to (yeah I know you want to know what I didnt had the oppertunity to, so that is why I put all this in so that you cant read yet, Muhahaha. But anyways Ill show you now because you probably want to know it so I am going to stop writing here. Actually I am just putting up a very long wall of text and I dont know how long people will go on with reading, so I am going to place a word somewhere on this wall of text that you have to say in the thread if you readed it all and I wander how much people that will be but I am not revealing the word yet because I have to make the wall of text longer still and I am doing this because I am a troll and I have nothing to do at the moment. ANyways I am going to stop though because I dont like writing alot if it is all just random things popping inside my head such as peanutbutter (no not the word you have to say), and other things but I am going to copy this a time so that it looks twice as long (no that isnt cheating that is just thinking smartly :p, well anyways the magic word is not haastregt. yeah I know you want to know what I didnt had the oppertunity too, so that is why I put all this in so that you cant read yet, Muhahaha. But anyways Ill show you now because you probably want to know it so I am going to stop writing here. Actually I am just putting up a very long wall of text and I dont know how long people will go on with reading, so I am going to place a word somewhere on this wall of text that you have to say in the thread if you readed it all and I wander how much people that will be but I am not revealing the word yet because I have to make the wall of text longer still and I am doing this because I am a troll and I have nothing to do at the moment. ANyways I am going to stop though because I dont like writing alot if it is all just random things popping inside my head such as peanutbutter (no not the word you have to say), and other things but I am going to copy this a time so that it looks twice as long (no that isnt cheating that is just thinking smartly :p, well anyways the magic word is not haastregt.) eat cookies whenever I wanted.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: #9: no alts allowed
  8. There is no way for that Evesthery :(
    A player must be along with these minecarts to be able to keep chunkloading for them to move. The other way to say is if the minecarts goes out of range from the player, the minecart will be unloaded and freeze/not moving unless player comes nearby in the range again then it will continue.

    I hope you understand what I am saying there
    SEPTHEKID likes this.

  9. Welcome natesam34 to Carthaga :) I invited you to the starter's guide. Please go carefully over the points and don't forget the minecarts ;)

    I invited you to a private message about your application :p
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. yes i do. I just thought that a minecart with a furnace might work, but i guess not. :(
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. In-game name: MrBOBY02
    2. Timezone: Eastern, US
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 and a half years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: The owner accidentally trusted an bad admin, and he banned all of us one by one. Thats the only time.
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Yes, on SMP2. On my plot, I am making a hotel and a shop. They are both high in the sky. I even had to hire 2 people to help me build the hotel for like 14k. Don't have a ton of money left xD.
    6. What is your favorite Minecraft activity: My favorite activity in Minecraft is to chat with other people and make friends. I also love to mine.
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I wanted to join People of Carthaga because it seemed like a fun environment to be in and a really good extension to EMC itself.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: I think the first commandment/rule is the most important because you don't want to mess around with other peoples hard work that they may have put hours into. Trust me, I have been griefed a bunch of times on other servers (not on EMC yet...)

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope to get in :D
  12. Hey everyone! :D

    There is a party on SATURDAY! Thanks to the many fine efforts of one of our newest members, PhoenixMaster54, who has put together a very lovely, and fully decorated festivity for all Carthaga members.

    There will be many fine festivities, foods, games, and many more. If you are free on Saturday, the 21st, then please come on down and stop by the outpost for a fun time. :D

    The location of the party will be written on signs, also with coordinates to help you. We will also leave a trail of signs to tell you which way to go, and how much farther along until you get there. If you get lost, or still cannot find your way down to the party area, then please message PhoenixMaster54, or Sweetcutey

    (I have been asked frequent times by some members if they may bring non-members in to Carthaga for a celebration. I am sorry to say, but the answer will have to be no. Bringing in someone who is not a member may cause trouble. Please be wary, and enjoy yourself! :) )

    The party will begin at 4:00 pm, EMC time, and will be at the outpost. Please come if you are able to. Thank you! <D


  13. Please also give a special thanks to BlueVault13, for helping PhoenixMaster54, set up the event area.

    The party is being hosted by PhoenixMaster54. Please make sure to thank him for celebrating the Chinese New Year with all of you. :)
    (The party will be a little late for the Chinese New Year, because it is actually tomorrow. Due to some oversight on my behalf, some people may not be able to attend directly on the day of the ceremony, so instead, we have decided to move it to Saturday at 4:00 pm EMC time, so everyone will be able to join in the festivities. :) )

    I hope everyone is able to attend, if possible. :D


    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. Kaizimir likes this.
  15. looks really cool sweets I might be able to come ;)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. Thank you for moved it to Saturday. So I am able to join that time :)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. 1. In-game name: C_McFly
    2. Timezone: eastern U.S
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 1 yr
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: nope
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: im currently working on a community mall
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: building and exploring
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: PoC seems like it would be the best way to give back to the EMC community
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: definetly the first
    SEPTHEKID and AshBlue789 like this.
  18. Here u go sweets
    SEPTHEKID and Rainbowpony1000 like this.