[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Welcome Back
    SEPTHEKID and harsh900 like this.
  2. Welcome back Sweety! :D
  3. OMG welcome back!!! Many ppl have missed you very much :3
    Can't wait to see u again :)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. Yay!
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. hey kaizimir, noticed you hadnt replied to my PM after I replied and you havent been in-game for ages. am I allowed to come along to Carthaga?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. Kai, it's now your turn to come back online too xD
  7. yay Sweets is back
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. Welcome back Sweets! Oh and im back as well :) And can somebody tell me how to snip PLEZZZZ
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. replace all the text with "snip"
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. Hey guys I maybe off for some long periods of time I have been having neck and shoulder pain :(
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. I hope you get better!
    SEPTHEKID and AshBlue789 like this.
  12. 1. In-game name: flamingpotato42
    2. Timezone: Central US
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 2 Years now
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: No
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Nothing to big :)
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building and mining!
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I have always wanted to join one of these well-established outposts. It looks awesome!
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: 8, everyone should have fun while playing minecraft as it is meant to relieve stress, not create it. of course all other commandments are important :)

    Can't wait to hear back :D
    SEPTHEKID and Rainbowpony1000 like this.
  13. Yes, missed you and all the others.
    Let's meet on the weekend! I will have a few hours on saturday. Yay, back to Carthaga.

    Oh, hey MrMazeRunner, thanks for the reminder. After a little security check we confirmed your identity as Bedfordfanily and as such, yes you are allowed :) Congrats to Farbranch btw, it's looking nice.

    Yeah, sounds all pretty good :) Welcome to Carthaga! I invited you to the starter's guide. Please go carefully over the provided information. See you soon in Carthaga...and don't forget to bring your minecarts ;)
  14. Thx :3 cya soon in Carth
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. secret entrace is broken again
    SEPTHEKID and harsh900 like this.
  16. 1. In-game name: PhoenixMaster54
    2. Timezone: Pacific Time
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 1 year and a half
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: No
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Not until i get inspired
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Exploring
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: Because it looks fantastic
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: Even though they are all important i believe that having fun is a big and very important part in Minecraft
  17. Hey PhoenixMaster54, thanks for your application and sorry I cannot offer you a paying job ;) I invited you to the starter's guide and so...welcome to Carthaga. Please read the provided information carefully and bring your minecarts when you head out to the city.
    SEPTHEKID and PhoenixMaster54 like this.
  18. The Carthaga Times

    Just another notice, The Carthaga Times is still looking for Writers.
    If you would like to be a writer for TCT, please contact Scorpio528.
    You must be coal rank or above.
    SEPTHEKID and harsh900 like this.
  19. Suriiiiiii! D<

    The nether enterance needs fixing! ;-;...
    SEPTHEKID and Rainbowpony1000 like this.
  20. I think it's been broken for a while now.. Unless Suri fixed it and then it's now broken again.. ;p
    SEPTHEKID likes this.