Essay writing: How to write a proper introductory paragraph.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by CadenMann, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. This made me chuckle uncontrollably, take my likes! And my Alt's likes!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. 'tis a shame we're not allowed to learn about that book in the UK anymore :/ (the head of education said it was silly to for British teenagers to be reading American literature in British schools' or something). I would have loved to read it.

    Also, if I can get it, I'll post the introductory paragraphs I wrote for my speech on cannabis and the death penalty :p (both of which I was a mark away from an A on :rolleyes:)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  3. I can absolutely promise you that you wouldn't have.
  4. Why not? :p
    cadenman2002 likes this.
    • Chapter 1 will literally kill you
    • It has one of the dullest storylines in the history of mankind
    • Somehow, the film is even worse - which is a problem when you base all your CAs on the films.
    cadenman2002 and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. I thought as much. Still, it would have been nice to read through it myself and decide whether I liked it or not :p

    And even if I didn't, I would force myself to read it - like I did with A Game of Thrones (let's be cereal here, its really boring until near the end). The only difference between the two is that 'A Game of Thrones' got better and less boring towards the end - I'd imagine HTKAM is different...
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  6. I must relate. I understand the feel of the story and the message, however I find it just as interesting as The Catcher in the Rye (which, in my opinion, was a VERY dull book).
  7. You are a horrible person for using that picture.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  8. Is it just me, or do you have an arsenal of GIFs waiting to be used? =P
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. I have some, but some of them I just quickly google image search xD
  10. I don't know If I need to do all this stuff now, but in the future I might need to use some of this advice or something...
    :D After all, If I pass 6th grade this year, It's off to 7th grade next August! I might need to do summer school or do 6th grade again since I'm pretty much failing in math... yeah. :(
    cadenman2002 likes this.